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Nascot Wood
Junior School

Dining at NWJS

Nut Free School

Please note that we operate as a 'nut-free' school, in order to ensure that all our pupils are as safe as possible. We ask for your cooperation and support in this matter. 


Children may bring a healthy morning snack to school containing a piece of fruit, raw vegetables, a cereal bar (without nuts), or a savoury snack; no chocolate, crisps or sweets are permitted.

Please may I remind parents not to send in snacks or packed lunches containing nuts or peanuts, as we have a number of children who have severe allergic reactions which are life-threatening.

Packed Lunches

Packed lunches should contain enough food to ensure that your child's energy levels are maintained throughout the school day. They should be healthy, for example, a cheese and salad sandwich/rice and sabji/houmous and raw vegetables, two pieces of fruit and a yoghurt/cereal bar (without nuts).

School Dinners

The school's catering provider is Yes Chef, please follow the link below to their website.


Free School Meals

To find information about Free School Meals, please follow the link below.