Public Sector Equality Duty
Our aim is to create a school workforce and community that is diverse, promotes positivity, and instils a can-do attitude in everyone, no matter their background or characteristics.
Our school has created a culture that does not discriminate on the grounds of any of the nine protected characteristics, and will not be biassed or have reservations based on them; we are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
The nine protected characteristics are:
Age, Disability, Gender, Sexual orientation, Race, Religion or belief, Gender reassignment, Marriage or civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity
We aim to create an environment that is free of discrimination and prejudice, where everyone will be treated fairly, with respect, and will be given equal opportunity in every aspect of their working role.
When selecting for employment, promotion, training, or anything of this nature, it will be based on the individual’s own merits. Their aptitude and ability will determine their suitability for the role; it will not be affected by any of the protected characteristics.
Disciplinary action will be taken against those that breach our policy.
This equality policy is active and will be monitored and reviewed annually.