Financial Support
We are committed to supporting our families to ensure that children from all economic backgrounds have an equal opportunity to thrive and achieve at our school.
We recognise that, at times, you may need some support, and we are always willing to meet with you and discuss your individual circumstances.
Some examples of the support that we routinely provide to families are as follows:
- Subsidising or funding school trips/enrichment days
- Setting up weekly/monthly payment plans
- Subsidising or funding 11+ tuition
- Providing free trumpet lessons for all children in Year 4
- Subsidising or funding music lessons
- Subsidising or funding before and after school care (Maple Club)
We have provided you with some information within the tabs on the right of the screen; we hope you will find it helpful.
If you need financial support for an aspect of school life, please contact Mrs Phatak, our Office Manager, either in person or in the school office.