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Nascot Wood
Junior School

Extra Curricular Activities


Our extracurricular provision encompasses a wide variety of activities provided by the school, staff, and external providers. Many of these activities are free, and some are paid.

However, we provide some free places for children in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant for the chargeable clubs. 

If you would like information about this, please contact us via the school office.



Children are encouraged to join the school choirs and orchestra, which run before school and at lunchtime.  There are also opportunities for instrumental tuition through Hertfordshire Music Service and the school retains links with Watford School of Music and has forged links with The Purcell School in Bushey.

Instrumental tuition is offered for the following instruments/year groups;


All years


All years

Clarinet and Saxophone

All years

Flute All years

Lessons are given by visiting specialist teachers, usually from Hertfordshire's Music Service and for these a fee is charged.  

These lessons usually take place during curriculum time in school or in the Recital Hall, which is equipped with several pianos and music stands. 

Please follow the link below to apply for music lessons, via Hertfordshire Music Service. 



Extra-curricular Clubs  

Clubs take place at different times during the day - some clubs happen before school, some at lunchtime and some after the end of the school day. To see the extra curricular activities offer, please click on the link below.