4/10/2018 Lunch time today
Dear Parents,
At lunch time today, some teenage children were ‘hanging around’ outside our Langley road gate. It was reported to me that they spoke to some of our children, through the gate, and threw some wrapped sweets (celebrations) onto the playground.
This was sensibly brought to the attention of school staff by our children, and members of staff spoke to the teenagers, telling them to stop being silly and to go away.
Over the remainder of lunch time, different variations of what happened began circulating around the playground. Some children told others widely differing versions of events. Unfortunately, this led to some children becoming a little upset.
At the end of lunch time, Mrs Singh spoke to the whole school, to reassure the children about what happened and to praise the children that quickly brought this to our attention.
We are in the process of contacting the parents of the teenagers involved, to notify them that this behaviour was not appropriate and ask them to discuss it with their children, so that it is not repeated.
I would be grateful if you could talk to your own child/ren about what happened at lunch time today in order to reassure them.
With kind regards,
Simon Watts