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Nascot Wood
Junior School

Closure Home Learning

Easter Message


Good morning Year 4,

It is great that so many of you are signed onto Google Classroom and are enjoying using it. We will be regularly updating it.

If you haven't already logged on, see the below information for how to log on.

Google Classroom: the student view

We like this because you can view and use it on any device. If you can't use a computer all day, you only have access for a short time or can only use a smart phone then you can still use Google Classrooms.

Any Off-Line work you do can still be submitted as a picture.

30 day Lego challenge, day 5: You have entered a competition to build the world's tallest tower. Will you win? Who can build the tallest tower in the year?

Remember we love hearing from you and seeing what you are getting up to. You can email us through the Year 4 email or upload it onto Google Classroom.

Miss Park & Miss Tanner

Maths and Times tables


Maths: Our new topic for Maths is shape. There are two PowerPoints attached at the bottom with some activities for you to work through. The answers are on the following slide. We would recommend looking at properties of shape first and ordering and comparing angles second. Remember you can do this in your home learning book.

Don't forget that everybody now has a Maths Whizz login.

Times tables: You should continue to practise times tables. Here are some links for you to use.

English, Spelling and Reading

English: We are going to be looking at poetry next in English. We are going to start by looking at two different types of poems, Haikus and Kennings. There is a PowerPoint about each type of poem at the bottom of the page, then you can write your own Haiku and Kenning. We'd love to hear them once written.

Spellings: This week's spellings are week 1 of the summer term sheet (the list has also been attached below). The rule is words with the prefix inter.

Reading:The next three chapters of Tom's Midnight Garden are now up in the Year 4 Google classroom if you fancy a listen. The next chapters will be added regularly. Don't forget to keep up your daily reading.

Topic and Science

Topic: This week we are going to be looking at Roman Mosaics. Have a look at the information below, can you find out 5 more facts and record them in your home learning book, then create your own mosaic. Don't forget to share your mosaic with us.

Science: In science this term, we are exploring living things, their characteristics, how to group them and the habitats that they live in. There is a PowerPoint below, to help you understand what a living thing is. You can create a poster or complete the sheets that are uploaded at the bottom of the page. 

P.E., Creative Learning and Mindfulness

It is also important to focus on creativity, mindfulness and fitness. In this section there are some creative and mindfulness activities for you to have a go at.

P.E.: Visit Joe Wicks's youtube channel: The Body Coach TV, every morning at 9AM for a live work out.

There is also supermovers, this is a great way to keep moving as well as practising different skills.

Creative Learning and Mindfulness: Here are some Creative Learning and Mindfulness activities that you can have a go at each day.

  1. Bake some cookies
  2. Write down five things you are grateful for and why
  3. Design and build a robot, using recycled materials only
  4. Complete a random act of kindness
  5. Make a sock puppet
  6. Sit quietly and listen for a minutes, write down everything that you can hear.
  7. Write a song
  8. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your arms by your sides and your eyes closed. Take a deep breath in whilst lifting your arms. Breathe in until your hands reach each other about your head, breath out slowly whilst lowering your hands. Imagine you are making a rainbow, repeat this seven times, each time you are adding a new colour to your rainbow. Once your rainbow is complete, open your eyes.